This season I have been mostly reading:
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Ronan Bennett
- Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
- In Your Dreams by Tom Holt
- Sean O' Casey Plays
- the fabulous Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
- and, as always, continuing my Terry Pratchett addiction
Saturday, December 31
Wednesday, December 14
What I want for Christmas
I don't own a playstation 2. I don't have the money for a playstation 2. but if I did, I'd get resident Evil 4 and this.....
Why wasn't this around when I was young and able to coerce my parents into buying me stuff?
The spirit of Christmas is not dead - it's just been severely mauled by a chainsaw....
Why wasn't this around when I was young and able to coerce my parents into buying me stuff?
The spirit of Christmas is not dead - it's just been severely mauled by a chainsaw....
Friday, December 9
Got offered a job today, which is nice. It's the same job I was thinking about leaving the casino for in January, but they had another, more urgent space to fill. Turned them down though, seeing as I want to work one more month as International Superstar Blackjack Dealer, and learn one more game before I quit. Its a nice feeling to be able to pick and choose jobs. Shame I don't have any money.
have to go, the Simpsons are on the telly.....
have to go, the Simpsons are on the telly.....
Wednesday, December 7
hungover and moody
For those of you not 100% savvy with the entity that is Jennifer Teeter, I say to you now, you don't know how lucky you are. Out we went, into the night of yore (yesterday) and drinks we drank. Merry we made and drunk we got, helped in no small part to the teets using her vocal capabilities to woo a moderatley crowded bar in a Karaoke contest, and once Justonian decided he could face up to the girlfriends wrath and went home, we somehow ended going round to some random guy's house with the express purpose of watching Liverpool v Chelsea and drinkning Absinthe. I woke up on said random's couch this morning with a thumping headache wearing a Liverpool shirt that I'm pretty sure I don't own, only to find a distinct absence of Teeter anywhere.
This in itself would not have been overly alarming save for the fact that she had to catch a plane at some stage in the early afternoon.... so myself and Perry, a guy who Jen had picked up earlier in the week (as she is wont to do), spent a few hours freaking out wondering where the sam hell our girlie had got to. Long story short, it turns out she had woken up, picked my pocket for house keys, and legged it back, getting to the airport on time (I assume). Having been familiar with the teetahhh and her habits in days past I was pretty sure this was what was happened - not so her boy toy Perry. For all intents and purposes, he went a bit mad. I'll not go into too many explicit details, but suffice it to say at one stage, when we were waiting for the bus (no money for a taxi), he 'vented' his angst by a spot of impromptu busking - standing on the side of Aucklands main shopping street and singing in a very loud, very uneven manner. Luckily I was too busy trying to make the world stop whirling to care much...
Teeter, your name does indeed mean trouble in every language under the sun.
But we love you all the same.
Safe home.
For those of you not 100% savvy with the entity that is Jennifer Teeter, I say to you now, you don't know how lucky you are. Out we went, into the night of yore (yesterday) and drinks we drank. Merry we made and drunk we got, helped in no small part to the teets using her vocal capabilities to woo a moderatley crowded bar in a Karaoke contest, and once Justonian decided he could face up to the girlfriends wrath and went home, we somehow ended going round to some random guy's house with the express purpose of watching Liverpool v Chelsea and drinkning Absinthe. I woke up on said random's couch this morning with a thumping headache wearing a Liverpool shirt that I'm pretty sure I don't own, only to find a distinct absence of Teeter anywhere.
This in itself would not have been overly alarming save for the fact that she had to catch a plane at some stage in the early afternoon.... so myself and Perry, a guy who Jen had picked up earlier in the week (as she is wont to do), spent a few hours freaking out wondering where the sam hell our girlie had got to. Long story short, it turns out she had woken up, picked my pocket for house keys, and legged it back, getting to the airport on time (I assume). Having been familiar with the teetahhh and her habits in days past I was pretty sure this was what was happened - not so her boy toy Perry. For all intents and purposes, he went a bit mad. I'll not go into too many explicit details, but suffice it to say at one stage, when we were waiting for the bus (no money for a taxi), he 'vented' his angst by a spot of impromptu busking - standing on the side of Aucklands main shopping street and singing in a very loud, very uneven manner. Luckily I was too busy trying to make the world stop whirling to care much...
Teeter, your name does indeed mean trouble in every language under the sun.
But we love you all the same.
Safe home.
Monday, December 5
Word Hate
The word most hated by me in the entire English language has to be that dispicable, most heinous utterance, 'boyfriend', as in "I have a....". It's just not on. You see a girl, approach girl, waste an alarming amount of chitchat and time on said girl only to eventually ask her out and get the reply "I have a boyfriend". I hereby vote that all cute girls with boyfriends should have it tattooed into their face so the honest, hard working folk like you or I (unless you have a girlfriend) know not to waste precious time chatting them up. And girls, boyfriend or not, I think you owe it to yourselves to give Pete a chance.....
Sunday, December 4
Mo' Car Blues
There were a few reasons why I bought the car I now affectionatlety refer to as 'shitbucket'. One was the cost - it was the cheapest at the car auction. Another was its perceived reliability and the fact that a common-as-muck motor would mean easy and cheap parts if and when I needed them. However, in all honesty, I'm not proud of it, but I'd have to say that I was seduced because this particular Ford Laser included electric windows AND
central locking. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the mod cons.
Therefore, given the general condition of the car, I was not surprised to find that after a few months of loving missuse the windows on the right hand side of the car stopped working - not a huge problem in itself, but the fact that the back one was halfway down at the time was, well, a bit of a pisser...
Now, contrary to popular belief, there are advantages to having a window down all the time, and they include, but are not limited to,
1)Permanent air circulatory system, good for those long hot days.
2)Less hassle when locking and unlocking the doors - no fumbling with keys, just slide your arm through the open window and pop the front door lock.
3)A bin bag marks your car as distinctive, and to have a car that stands out in an otherwise mundane vehicular world is all important in this day and age.
4)It acts as conversational piece - 'Hey you left your window down', 'no I didn't, it's just knackered.' Endless variations.
5)Gives me extra ammunition to throw at Jimmy Wang.
Of course, it's not all roses. There is the continuous worry of theft, as apparently, experts have informed me, it would as easy for a thief to open the car as it is for me. I know, it surprised me too! Also, the inside tends to become saturated with rainwater when I forget to put the attractive binbag cover over it. And having a permanent air circulatory system is all well and good, but it does get a tad chilly now and again, like at 4 in the morning when I return home from work.
In the end I decided that I would have to do something about the windows. The front was easy as it was merely a dodgy switch at fault, so I rewired it to be controlled from a different switch. the back, however, was a little more tricky; I took the panel off the door and you would not believe the size of the motor it takes to put an electric window up and down! It's huge! I studied the schematics, took careful notes and measurements before ripping the bastard out. The window is now held up by a length of wood and an empty plastic water bottle. Chances of it ever coming down again are slim to none.....

Therefore, given the general condition of the car, I was not surprised to find that after a few months of loving missuse the windows on the right hand side of the car stopped working - not a huge problem in itself, but the fact that the back one was halfway down at the time was, well, a bit of a pisser...
Now, contrary to popular belief, there are advantages to having a window down all the time, and they include, but are not limited to,
1)Permanent air circulatory system, good for those long hot days.
2)Less hassle when locking and unlocking the doors - no fumbling with keys, just slide your arm through the open window and pop the front door lock.
3)A bin bag marks your car as distinctive, and to have a car that stands out in an otherwise mundane vehicular world is all important in this day and age.
4)It acts as conversational piece - 'Hey you left your window down', 'no I didn't, it's just knackered.' Endless variations.
5)Gives me extra ammunition to throw at Jimmy Wang.
Of course, it's not all roses. There is the continuous worry of theft, as apparently, experts have informed me, it would as easy for a thief to open the car as it is for me. I know, it surprised me too! Also, the inside tends to become saturated with rainwater when I forget to put the attractive binbag cover over it. And having a permanent air circulatory system is all well and good, but it does get a tad chilly now and again, like at 4 in the morning when I return home from work.
In the end I decided that I would have to do something about the windows. The front was easy as it was merely a dodgy switch at fault, so I rewired it to be controlled from a different switch. the back, however, was a little more tricky; I took the panel off the door and you would not believe the size of the motor it takes to put an electric window up and down! It's huge! I studied the schematics, took careful notes and measurements before ripping the bastard out. The window is now held up by a length of wood and an empty plastic water bottle. Chances of it ever coming down again are slim to none.....
Thursday, December 1
The Humanity!
Got my car back today in working order, so no more bus to work and having to blag lifts home at four in the morning. Turns out the distributer was, in a word, shagged. As are my expenses after forking out the dough to get it fixed! Bloody cars. When wil those boffins learn to invent teleporting - are not the prototypes already there in TV land? I'm pretty sure they have the money, and there's nothing else as important as teleportation, so they certainly have the time, so where is it?? If I want to go to France, I want to go there NOW damnit. Not that I want to go to France you understand, but if I wanted to, then I would prefer to go straight away. You get my drift.
The sickness
My 'friend of German' status was slightly tarnished today when I got a telling off from Evelyn, my German housemate, for calling in sick to work last Friday. Had a party to go to, so I had a conveniently timed eye infection, the cure of which involved a six pack of beer and a skinful of vodka. Best remedy ever, if you ask me. Anyway, I still am 'friend of German,' I just don't happen to share their work ethic. I'll just have to make the excuse more viable for Eve as well as the casino next time....
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