Monday, December 5

Word Hate

The word most hated by me in the entire English language has to be that dispicable, most heinous utterance, 'boyfriend', as in "I have a....". It's just not on. You see a girl, approach girl, waste an alarming amount of chitchat and time on said girl only to eventually ask her out and get the reply "I have a boyfriend". I hereby vote that all cute girls with boyfriends should have it tattooed into their face so the honest, hard working folk like you or I (unless you have a girlfriend) know not to waste precious time chatting them up. And girls, boyfriend or not, I think you owe it to yourselves to give Pete a chance.....


James said...

Here, here! It's worse when they don't bloody tell you at all, and slip it in a conversational anacdote 2 dates and £150 quid in... the bastards!

Now, admittadly, i would be the first to point out that this may be a considered response (being that 2 dates in is where i usually run out of witty conversation and resort to cheese impressions), but come on: play fair! It should be like a loyalty card thing: 1 evening of pretending you don't have a boyfriend for every two dates, or £150 spent, whichever comes first. Americans are the worst for this. Fact.

Mr H said...

A point I've heard you make some summers ago, and it's still true, to a point. Fat/Ugly girls will tell you straight away.