I had a nightmare last night. As usual I can't remember most of it, but the gist of it was some Chinese gangster dude was torturing someone and I stepped in to stop it, so he cut off most of the fingers on my right hand. Which wasn't nice. I then spent the rest of the dr

eam going from situation to situation bemoaning my lack of digits (it's no laugh trying to play playstation with one hand sans fingers). Thought that was the end of it but I ran into said Chinese gangster again before I woke up - actually having said that i don't think he was Chinese. Probably Albanian like that git who robbed me in Russia. Anyway, we got into another skerfuffle and I had a brief moment of pain as he wrenched out one of my teeth before I woke up.
So what does this mean? Is it my subconciousness warning me I shouldn't try to help anyone? Am I terrified of deformities (well yes, obviously. Except midgets.)? Maybe a spectre from my past is contacting me for some grave reason. Or maybe I just had too much cake before going to bed.
mmmmm cake. oh, and does 'being a midget' count as a deformity? Reflections please.
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