Sunday, January 28

Rambo vs The Computer

As we have a tendancy to eat out these days, and given Miki's penchant for shopping, The White Ball of Fury(tm) is often left to his own devices. Sometimes he is content to while away the hours sprawled on the couch, dreaming of giving chase to smaller dogs. Mostly, however, he searches the apartment for something of value to destroy. Clothes, handbags, candles, plants, anything within reach and that he can get his teeth into.

Last night we hopped over to Seamus's new pad near Xujiahui for a quiet housewarming party and I was silly enough to think that, having not destroyed anything for a few days, he was older and wiser. So I left my computer on the living room couch (we just got wireless so I can use my pooter anywhere!), not sparing it a second thought.

Thankfully he hadn't reached the actual computer by the time we returned (although I did brush some suspicious looking dirty paw marks off the keyboard). The machine is, however, out of service until I can pick up a Dell power cable from somewhere, and I am on a borrowed pooter courtesy of Miki's ma.

As well as my power cable, it has emerged that the little bastard went through a USB flash disk, a deck of cards, the bathroom mat and three plants. And we have had enough. Rambo has ruined everything in the house, and it is time for him to go. We've packed up all his stuff, his leads, some food and his guitar (Rambo is a pretty mean guitar player), and shown him the door.

Goodbye and good luck Rambo 2, you cute whirlwind of terror.


Linea said...

Had you named him 'Fluffy' or 'Cuddles', perhaps you wouldn't have had these issues. "The White Ball of Fury" seems like a name one would have to live up to.

Just my two yen.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the owner to blame