It's on! Miki calls us idiots, my mum has called us foolish, but the team form has been sent in, the money has been paid, and we are the most recent entrants of the 2007 Indian Autorickshaw Challenge Mumbai Xpress Rally!!
Consisting of the ever-exuberant Mr James Wright and myself, Team Tuk Tuk Tuxedo is gearing up to blow all other competition away on the wild highways and byways of India in the fine artform that is 150cc autorickshaw racing.
Team Tuk Tuk Tuxedo
Starting in Chennai, on the east coast, we burn a hole through the heart of the country, emerging in Mangalore on the west, before heading up to Mumbai via Goa. All in all, just shy of a mind-numbing 2000kms!! Check out the route (and his idea of getting ahead of the bunch) on James' blog here. And if you fancy reading about last years race (which was a pathetic 1000km), and your name isn't Evelyn Gordon, go here. A sample:
Although we weren’t in the grips of monsoon season there were still some spectacular downpours. Aquaplaning whilst waggling the hand operated windscreen wiper is particularly entertaining.
If anyone else fancies joining, though the cheap earlybird fee has gone, there are still available tuktuks. It's a tad expensive but it's for charity and will possibly be the bestest fun in the whole world. Ever. Bar none.
p.s. next step is looking for sponsors..... anyone want to rent some prime advertising space on the front of the winning tuk tuk?

That sounds like a dangerous time. I would love to find a Liger if I was in India. Ligers are pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed...bred for its skill in Magic
Can Robert Heaney please stop leaving comments under the guise of random girls names. Any silly comments by zoe or chloe or catherine or rose etc etc, please attribute to Robert Heaney of (near) Bangor, Northern Ireland.
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