Shame no one told the lads that the game was still on. They figured it must be over, the victory was an Irish one and, by gosh, what shall I drink first to celebrate? The second to last play of the game and the horrible French scored, and then converted, the winning try. I hate the French.
It doesn't reflect the second half at all, with the 82,000 capacity crowd urging their boys on, and the Irish answering with some gritty play. They crawled back to a sketchy one point lead, then O' Gara's penalty on the 78th minute should have sealed the deal.
So no Grand Slam. I think we can still win the tournament, but we'll have to wait until next year for the Grand Slam. At least we'll beat England on the 24th......
Did I mention I hate the French?

Totally gutted about the boys. Once again all of the Irish pessimists are going round with smug grins. You have been a busy boy blogging since xmas.
This is the second time that this has been used as a title for a post.
Well you seem to have spotted a recurrent theme in my posts. Just as well the history of the Irish Rugby Football Association goes the same way....
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