Monday, March 5

most important question OF ALL TIME*

(*not really)

It was a question I thought obsolete way back in 1999 with the release of Mystery Men, but a friend of mine recently reopened that particular can of beefed up worms and asked:

What is the best Superhero Movie of all time?

My money is still with Mystery Men, although as it is concerned with a bunch of people who aren't super but want to be, some might argue that it's really an anti-superhero movie (it does have Disco Tony and Casanova Frankenstein in though).

My friend's vote lies firmly with Spiderman 2, and a damn fine vote it is too. Of course his girlfriend called us both idiots, but she comes from Slovenia so we were happy to ignore her mindless warblings.

So what does anyone else think? What the the best Superhero movie ever? Does Flash Gordon count?

"I... am the Waffler. With my griddle of justice, I BASH the enemy in the head, or I burn them like so! I also have some truth syrup, which is low in fat."


Anonymous said...

Army of darkness surely? It is the 3rd best movie ever!!! (after In the Mouth of Madness and Napoleon Dynamite). I'm sure Ash qualifies as a superhero on the grounds that you can buy an action figure.

penfold tm said...

you prefer Army of Darkness over Evil Dead 2??? Infidel! There are a bunch of guys on their way to north down right now, with pitchforks and flaming torches and the like.

Anonymous said...

I was very excited about mystery men when it came out. When I saw it I was a bit let down.

Anonymous said...

now it has to be said that, although probably a funny film at first viewing, owing to the overkill of james putting on that fricking movie every frickin night, i now hold that mystery men is a pile of rubbish. the best superhero is of course spiderman, but the best superhero movie? we shall have to wait till may when spiderman 3 comes out...

Anonymous said...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Mr H said...

This is an interesting one. My favourite superhero combo is Batfink and Karate. Now that's a film adaption that MUST be made!

Anonymous said...


penfold tm said...

Simon Rules? Never heard of that movie. Is it the sequel to Howard the Duck?

Anonymous said...

Well, now I feel I must respond...
When we talk about the best Superhero MOVIE ever (not the best comic, cartoon or just Superhero but MOVIE), one has to consider the qualities it carries as a MOVIE. This might be the quality of acting (which is in Spiderman 2 mildly put not convincing) or the quality of the script (which is laughable at its best), etc. Spiderman 2 fails to fulfill any of the qualities a GREAT MOVIE should. It's predictable, the special effects are nothing special, and the actors did a really bad job (even Alfred Molina, otherwise capable of great performances). It is simply poorly done as a movie that should entertain. Since you are asking about the best Superhero movie ever, for me it would have to be Batman Begins. Great cast, convincing script, amazing atmosphere of the photography, don't get me even started on the incredible skills Christopher Nolan seems to posses as a filmmaker. Spiderman 2 doesn't even come close to comparing

penfold tm said...

Ah, an actual proper comment! (it may susprise people to know that in some circles "SIMON RULES" is not considered a proper answer). Batman Begins was indeed a great movie and something that the Batman franchise disperately needed after it's ridiculous forerunners. Christian Bale headed an amazing cast in a great story that included the fabulous Rutger Hauer. i have only seen it the once (compared to multiple veiwings of Spidey 2) so excuse my ignorance, but didn't the end get muddled up a little? And wasn't Katie Holmes a bit of a crap character?

And I don't think that you can say that the effects and stunts in spiderman 2 were nothing special! That's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Blade 2 was perhaps the best movie ever, nevermind superhero movie.

Linea said...

I fell in love with Superman at first sight. The first Superman movie is still my all-time fave superhero flick. Nobody can deliver smarminess, earnestness and weakness the way Christopher Reeve did. And paired against Gene Hackman...what a great match up.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Katie Holmes was crap. But she just isn't that good at her job, that's all. A different casting choice would be definetely better, but the character was well written and much needed in the movie, I thought.

And again, I agree - Superman was very well done. Especially for that time. And the casting was brilliant, with the whole pretty, innocent, but strong Christopher Reeve choice, and Gene Hackman as the sarcastic evil mind, with something good beneath it all (he just wasn't loved enough when he was a kid!!). But still I have to go with Batman Begins.

Anonymous said...

I went to see Batman Begins at the Movies. I was bored. It was one of a long list of poor summer blockbusters that year (war of the worlds anyone?) I saw the machinist the week before and that was far better.