Monday, April 9

Escaping the Wall

Blocked again, but I've managed to procure the use of Seamus's dirty Mac while he runs half way around the world home in search of a Chinese work visa. It has some fancy programme thing to get around the Great Firewall of China that I don't rightly understand, but well, it's not for the likes of us to question how things work, is it?

Apparently it's Easter weekend, a fact that has sadly passed me by due, for the most part, to China's shocking lack of interest in chocolate eggs. When will this country learn? Choosing to celebrate the death (and consequent rebirth) of your spiritual leader by consuming large chocolate eggs is the way of the future! Wouldn't work for Ganesh though - all the eggs would melt in India. I do like the elephant head motif though.... perhaps we could work something out that includes both.


Mr H said...

I am not sure whether to take it as a source of pride that I am last in your links. Better than mid-table mediocrity. Surely Simon sould get demoted for his appalling lack of updates?

Ps change that horrible profile picture

Anonymous said...

simon has no access to pooters due to moving house and sorting his heating and stuff out before the intermanet. He's barred from all the internet cafes due to his overwhelming stench, so they're out.

Anonymous said...

Sorting his heating. It's 17 degrees today. Surely the Interweb takes precedence?

Anonymous said...

Well what was the answer to your last Quiz Question. Did I win?
