Thursday, May 3

I just don't like your face(book)

As that lovable little ruffian Roberto Henis likes to point out, my blogs updates have been few and far between recently. I can no longer claim Chinese government interference as eblogger has been unblocked again.

What I can blame though is Facebook. Far be it for me to do some inadvertant advertising for another one of those friends-keep-in-touch website, but it's really good! Been talking with some people I haven't seen in years. The whole world and their dog is on it! I never joined the whole myspace movement, and I'm not sure why it was such a huge hit, but I can say that facebook is way better!


Anonymous said...

"and I'm not sure way it was such a huge hit"

penfold tm said...

Thank you for pointing that out Grammar Bully, but can I just say that I think it is more of a spelling error than a grammatical mistake. It was obviously supposed to be 'why'. And, Grammar Bully, this may be just nit picking now, but even though you're quoting, you display a severe lack of punctuation. Did you even go it school?