Saturday, November 25

Flotsam & Jetsam

Here are some old blogs and things that I have scattered around the place, some with a few entries, some with a bunch of photos. Some with sweet FA! More of a convenient place of linkage for myself, but feel free to waste a few minutes.

Flickr - My flickr account, which I don't pay for so adding things is a slow process, about 20 pictures a month. Currently around the 50/60 mark.

The Exalted Wanderings of Penfold The Merciless - Set up for me to keep friends and family up-to-date while I trampled the globe from Omagh to New Zealand via Siberia, China and Japan. I didn't get very far.... In fact I think once I left British soil I left a total of one actual real post. Still, the intention was there.

Zombies Ate My Face - A short lived group I started on Yahoo groups to exchange witticisms with friends. I was too witty and they all abandoned it after a few months. One last ditch attempt to attract visitors by posting a few porn pics failed to re-spark interest.

The Deadly Art of Penfold - A MySpace site I started with one blog entry (ironically joking that I would probably ditch it after one blog). Started basically to appease Miki. Has some photos.

Bebo - I have a bebo site. Good to keep in contact with a few friends but besides that doesn't shed much light on anything. Some photos.

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