Saturday, January 13

Something for the holidays

Alright guys, here's a recruitment drive for ya..... Who is free the first few weeks of August, and would like to spend it having the shits in India, RACING AUTORICKSHAWS!?????
Have a gander at this:

No going to India on a tourist package and getting ripped off by nasty Tuktuk drivers here! This way you go, see some jungles, cities, coastlines, all from the comfort(?) of your very own autorickshaw that you use to ge to the finish line before anyone else.

Myself and the resilient rat race survivor Jimmy Wright are definitely in, but we wanted to see if anyone would like to join us - more people more fun, as the saying goes. Probably.
It's not cheap, and of course the entrance fee doesn't take into consideration the flights there and back, but it will be an unforgettable holiday. And hey, you get to hang out with me and Mr W.

Check out the website and if it floats your boat, tell me and sign up! If you do it before the end of January there is a sizeable discount, so dust off those credit cards and play with the overdraft!
(p.s. as a bonus, the money from the contest goes to good charities for Indian nippers)

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