Monday, January 8

dancing fools and slapping robbie

Still no pictures, but here are a couple of vids for your viewing satisfaction, one taken on New Years night, the other a day late at the top of Bessy Bell, a hill outside Omagh which a few of us hardy folks climbed on the 2nd, after drinking till the early hours of the morning for three consecutive nights. Well done us. Except Jimmy Wright, who whinged for ages about his 'town shoes' and 'fancy coat' when we had to clamber over a four or five felled trees. Wuss.

I don't possess the tech-na-mo-logical know-how to embed them onto this site, so I'm linking you to youtube.

The first, for the sadists among you, is subtlely named Wapping Robbie in the head with a christmas cracker prize, and basically does exactly what it says on the tin. Notice how the boy wonder does not even flinch as a plastic periscope cracks off his noggin. And notice also, if you will, how he looks NOTHING LIKE JAMES DEAN, as he outrageously claims to.

The second Dancing Fools, is another self explanatory video which will look a lot better if and when I get round to putting music over the top of it (will take me quite a while to work that one out). Till then it's best viewed with no sound at all - or, if you want, hum something cheerful and carnival like.

Okay everyone, enjoy the vids, and remember that too much youtube can damage your eyes. But don't forget to have a look at Chad Vader, which is great.....

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