Thursday, January 25

Up in smog

After munching down all manner of pills and evil foul smelling brown liquid stuff in the name of regeneration, I have emerged from my sick bed fighting fit. Well, nearly fighting fit. Time mends all things they say, but what they don't tell us is how long for - a few hours after I gave myself a clean bill of health my nose chose to announce it felt a cold coming on. I need to eat me some more fruit.

It's a Thursday, and life in the big smog meanders pleasantly along, as is its wont, despite the ridiculous levels of air pollution playing merry hell with my respiratory system. I have started to think I've caught the cold deliberately so my breathing is restricted. Last week Shanghai was covered with a smothering fog that closed down the highways for a while, and the city even went so far as to issue a Yellow Fog Alert, which means visibility was down to less than 500 meters. Nice.

For those of you on Seamus-watch, the Irish boy-wonder has found himself a job selling insurance and a run down apartment in closer to the black heart of the city , so will be moving out of our spare room/photo studio tomorrow. .....

And, last but not least, a little bit of fun for all you sadists out there. Seems like the White Ball of Fury(tm) has had enough of his master, and has bitten the hand that feeds. Little tyke.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Luck it wasn't a man it bit

Linea said...


have you seen the recent photos on my blog?

perhaps it's time to consider a change of scenery (or a change in general so you can enjoy some scenery).