And not merely 'beat.' Flicking the pooter on this morning I am greeted with the headline Ireland hammer England at Croke Park, and it all comes flooding back. Braving the February cold in the early hours of Sunday I trekked several arduous miles to the nearest Irish pub in Shanghai* and joined a vocal Irish contingent in cheering on the boys in green.

43-13: the biggest win over the English in 60 years. That's more than worth today's hangover. Having said that, however, I notice an unsettling development; because of the vile robbery at the hands of the French two weeks ago, and their win over a pitiful Welsh side yesterday, it means that they are odds on favourites for the Grand Slam. In order to stop them and crown Ireland rightful winners of the 2007 Six Nations tournament, they have to be beaten a least once. And let's face it, Scotland certainly aren't going to do anything about it (they have just presented Italy with their first ever Six Nations away win). WHICH, boys and girls, is a roundabout way of saying I may have to actually support England when they play France next week.
I don't know what to do. I've never supported England - shouted at them, cursed them, thrown things at the telly when they're playing, but never supported them! Think I'll just hide in bed and have a peek at the score when it's over.
(*truth be told I didn't have to trek anywhere. I took a taxi. And I was already out at a house party. And the night was unseasonably mild for a february.)
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